Thursday 15 September 2016

Unit 43, P3/M2

P3/M2  Clover Clayden

How Businesses use social media

In this blog i will be studying a case study on how the company LEGO uses social media to their advantage. I will be studying this case study: LEGO Case study, the case study was published on the 23rd January 2015. I will be explaining the benefits and how they have profited from using the social medium they used.
Image result for lego


Using Facebook allows Lego to accommodate for the older generation and allows parents to get involved with their kids more, They use hashtags to make the content on Facebook more accessible to find so that you can look up a specific thing and find it really quickly whereas without a hashtag you would have to sift through a lot of content to find what your looking for and depending on how long ago they posted about it, you could be there for some time.
it also allows for a lot of different people to get involved with it around the world as Facebook is quite a popular social medium around the world. 
LEGO also uses Video posts and Pictures posts to engage their audience and allows them to also advertise their products to the public before release. they also use images and pictures of unique Lego figures that they have made to celebrate the new year or an anniversary. They also comment on post from people which makes it very personal and shows great customer service.
Image result for lego facebook


Lego uses twitter to post pictures, short videos and updates before school/work and after school/work is finished so they can get people looking at their content when they're most likely to be 'scrolling'. their twitter is where they are more customer service based, they reply, re-tweet, like, potential customers tweets and make it very personal.
Image result for lego twitter


Instagram has a younger based audience so more 'kids' will like their page and be interested in them rather than the more adult people on Instagram. Instagram is very visual which LEGO uses to their advantage from short videos to pictures there is no escaping the Lego, this allows them to show off their products and also small tutorials on how to put some of them together.
Image result for lego instagram

LEGO have definably profited from this as their customer service has improved immensely and their popularity has improved as well. Social media has been one of the biggest benefits in how Lego has been able to succeed in the 21st century along with keeping the design for the actual product the same. for them though using video and picture social media more would benefit them a great deal as Lego is a visual stimulus that needs to be shown more not written about.

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