Monday 12 September 2016

Unit 43, P2

Unit 43, P2, Clover Clayden

P2: Describe how the concept of social media has been used for business.

What is a concept?

A concept is an idea or understanding of something, the concept of social media in business and social media for individuals is the adoption of different communication methods and how to use them effectivly.

Social media and Business

Image result for ideaBusinesses have been using social media to not only to promote their products, websites, and job applications but also to connect with everyone in that business and include them with updates and changes so that all their staff are up to date with information and that they are all comfortable with what they are doing. It also allows them to suggest changes to the business or to make complaints about how they feel the company should be run or things that need improving that the 'lower ranked' staff members have complained about but haven't been able to have a voice before social media. A good example of this is that where i work they have a google plus page that updates constantly with new things we as a company should be aware of and how us as staff members are able to make these changes happen. it also gives us a voice as we are able to add to start a forum almost so that we can voice our concerns and complaints. 

Businesses also promote their products on social media for example their are advert slots on the side bar of Facebook, a banner on the top of YouTube for advertisements and through out videos, sponsored tweets or Instagram posts that show adverts. in this way social media is vital for businesses to succeed now a days as most people are now using social media to connect with people all over the world. It also allows businesses to expand their market as people all over the world will see these adverts.

Has Social media expanded?

Yes, social media has expanded and it has even expanded into the older generation with people beginning to use Skype and Facebook to keep in touch with their children and grandchildren. Social media and the elderly this link shows that internet use among 65 years and older has grown 150% from 2011-2012, however it has stayed at that number since 2013 and hasn't increased just stayed steady. 

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